If you fancy a less fraught pace to your hobby away from the pressures of modern day life, Living History may be for you.
In living history we portray military and civilian encampments throughout the English Civil Wars. Whether you have a specific role in mind or just relaxing and socialising with the young families letting the kids run and play around the authentic camp. We have a varied selection of roles already being portrayed in our living history, maybe one is for you or maybe there is something else you would like to research and try. The Sealed Knot has many knowledgeable members on different subjects who are more than happy to help you with a better understanding of your role.
These are the current roles being portrayed in the Regiment
The inn/cooking/drinking/gambling
barber surgeon
Green Wood worker/pole lather
Leather worker
Cameos /thespians
If you’re more of an outgoing character and a thespian, Cameos may well be your thing. Research your own 17th century persona with help from other members heckle the public or even work on getting yourself arrested by the local garrison; even a shotgun wedding maybe in order.
Sleepy or gambling soldiers are also welcome on the living history camp. At larger events there may even be a bit of food going spare from the open fire and yes…. eggs, bacon and sausage are authentic for the time.
If this sound like your thing then click on the join us link.